

纪娇娇,公共管理博士,现任中国科学技术大学科技传播系特任研究员,博士生导师,曾任南京大学新闻传播学院助理研究员。主要研究方向为虚假信息、科学传播和计算传播,尤其关注气候变化、转基因食品、基因编辑婴儿等前沿科学议题在社交媒体上的传播。研究方法上,采用前沿计算社会学研究方法,如文本分析、社会/语义网络分析、在线实验、以及机器学习等方法探讨社会学问题。成果见于Public Understanding of Science, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Information Processing and Management, Social Science Computer Review, PLoS one, Scientometrics, Telematics and Informatics, 情报科学,科学学研究, 新闻大学等期刊。

担任New Media & SocietySocial Media & SocietyPublic Understanding of ScienceTelematics & InformaticsSocial Meida + Society等传播学SSCI期刊,以及国际传播学大会ICA审稿人。


担任New Media & SocietySocial Media & SocietyPublic Understanding of ScienceTelematics & InformaticsSocial Meida + Society等传播学SSCI期刊,以及国际传播学大会ICA审稿人











2018.06-2019.07 南加州大学,安娜堡新闻传播学院,访问学者

2020.12-至今 中国科学技术大学科技传播系特任研究员





2018.07-至今国家社会科学基金青年项目:后真相时代虚假网络信息识别的大数据技术应用与研究 (18CXW027)

2014.07-2015.03中国科协研究生科普能力提升项目:转基因食品安全议题基于网络新媒体的传播与监测 (2014KPYJD14)






2018.05-2019.06中国外文局对外话语体系建设研究机制项目: “一带一路”倡议提出五年来西方舆论变化实证研究(18DYY102)

2015.01-2017.12国家自然科学基金项目:基于交互记忆系统的在线社交网络应急管理传播建模及其神经机制研究 (71573241)

2015-2016 中国科协调研宣传部:我国主要创新密集区的创业地图及其环境评估 (2015ZCY-13)

2014.01-2014.06国家自然科学基金项目:RNA 干扰过程中错靶现象的遗传调控(31371323)

2011.04-2013.12 国家自然科学基金项目:模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫NRDE 通路介导的siRNA 基因干扰的机制研究


*  表示通讯作者


Chu, J., Zhu, Y., Ji, J.* (2023). Characterizing the semantic features of climate change misinformation on Chinese social media. Public Understanding of Science. [SSCI] (Accepted)

Ji, J.*, Zhu, Y., & Chao, N. (2023). A comparison of misinformation feature effectiveness across issues and time on Chinese social media. Information Processing & Management, 60(2), 103210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2022.103210  [SSCI]

Zhao, S., Teng, L., & Ji, J.* (2023). Impact of Environmental Regulation on Eco-innovation: The Moderating Role of Top Managers' Environmental Awareness and Commitment, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 0(0), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2023.2184331 [SSCI]

Ji, J.*, Hu, H., & Wei, S. (2022) YouTube Comments on Gene-edited Babies: What Factors Affect Diverse Opinions? Social Science Computer Review, 08944393211073164. [SSCI]

Ji, J.*, Chao, N., Wei, S., Barnett, G.A. (2021). Microblog credibility indicators regarding misinformation of genetically modified food on Weibo. PLoS one 16(6): e0252392. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0252392[SCI]

Ji, J., Barnett, G. A., & Chu, J.* (2019). Global networks of genetically modified crops technology: a patent citation network analysis. Scientometrics, 118(3), 737–762. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-019-03006-1 [SSCI]

Ji, J.*, Chao, N., & Ding, J. (2019). Rumormongering of Genetically Modified (GM) Food on Chinese Social Network. Telematics and Informatics, 37, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2019.01.005  [SSCI]

金苗*, 自国天然, 纪娇娇. 意义探索与意图查核——“一带一路”倡议五年来西方主流媒体报道LDA主题模型分析[J].新闻大学, 2019(5). [CSSCI]

纪娇娇, 褚建勋*. 基于语义网络和BOW模型的中文议题框架量化分析研究[J]. 情报科学, 2017,35(5): 100-105. [CSSCI]

纪娇娇, 申帆, 黄晟鹏, 吴丽翔, 褚建勋*. 基于语义网络分析的微信公众平台转基因议题研究[J]. 科普研究,2015,10(2): 21-29. [北大核心]

褚建勋, 纪娇娇*, 黄晟鹏. 微信公众平台的转基因新闻报道框架偏向性研究[J]. 情报科学,2016,34(11): 140-145. [CSSCI]

褚建勋*, 黄晟鹏, 纪娇娇. 基于 SNA 的国家科技奖合作网络演化研究[J]. 科学学研究, 2016, 34(8): 1137-1144. [CSSCI]

Chen, X., Xu, F., Zhu, C., Ji, J., Zhou, X., Feng, X., Guang, S. (2014). Dual sgRNA-directed gene knockout using CRISPR/Cas9 technology in Caenorhabditis elegans. Scientific reports, 4,7581. [SCI]

Zhou, X., Xu, F., Mao, H., Ji, J., Yin, M., Feng, X., Guang, S. (2014). Nuclear RNAi Contributes to the Silencing of O-Target Genes and Repetitive Sequences in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics, 197(1), 121-132. [SCI]


Ji, J., Lu, Y., Calabrese, C. (2023). Who Sets the Agenda for Climate Change in China? A Longitudinal Analysis of Primary Actors that Drive Online Discussions on Social Media. 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

Ji, J., Hu, T., Chen, M. (2023). Effects of communication strategies on user engagement and audience’s reactions toward COVID-19 vaccine on Weibo. 17th Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Zhou, Y., Ji, J.*(2023). Impact of the research field and time periods on the relationship between scientific impact and social media influence of scientific papers. 17th Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Ji, J., Ma, J., Chu, J.*(2022). Convergence or Divergence? A Comparison between Climate Change and Global Warming Discourses on Weibo. 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Paris, France.

Chu, J., Zhu, Y., Ji, J.* (2022). Raising literacy to combat misunderstanding: Examining semantic characteristics of climate change misinformation on Weibo. 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Paris, France.

Ji, J., Hu, H., Wei, Shi. (2020, May) Is Popularity Enough? Mapping “Genes” for Effective YouTube Videos Communicating Gene Editing Baby. 70th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.

Ji, J., Barnett, G. A, Chu, J. (2018, May). Computational network analysis for global innovation diffusion: case of patent citation networks of genetically modified technology.68th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Prague, Czech Republic.

Ji, J., Barnett, G. A, Jiang, K., Chu, J. (2017, June). Knowledge flow and diffusion networks of genetically modified (GM) crops. Paper presented at XXXVI Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Beijing, China.

Ji, J., Chu, J., Jiang, K., & Barnett, G. A. (2015, June). Semantic Network Analysis of GMO News on WeChat in China. Paper presented at XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Brighton, UK. 




